Massage Therapy Business Cards
Even better than random placement, try to leave your cards in a few strategic places such as a restaurant, a cafe or at a gym reception area. Any store near you is good actually. Be sure to ask the establishment for permission to place your business cards before doing so. I also suggest asking for your cards to be placed near the cashier. This is a very strategic place since anyone who purchases anything from the establishment will need to go there, and while their items are being rung up, they will notice your business cards while they wait and will take one if your service is something they are looking for. This is a great tactic if you would rather conserve your massage therapy business cards.

A lot of online companies offer up to 250 free business cards you can design yourself. My favorite is Home Business Center. You can design your personal massage therapy business cards using any of their 42 card templates to deliver your message and contact information. Keep your business cards on you and hand them out to potential clients. Listen to what is being said around you in conversation. For example, when someone complaints about a back ache or a stressful week suggest a massage and give them your card. Also, ask friends and family to hand out a few to coworkers that might be interested in a home massage.

Massage Therapy Business Cards
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