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This kind of massage also referred to as floor massage in some places takes between two and three hours, depending on the personal requirements of the massage receiver. Thai massage techniques when exploited professionally on a good yoga mat are said to exhibit a number of benefits.

Nowadays there are several hundred massage styles, including several Thai massage ones. A hundred years ago massage was not so popular and widespread in the west. Compared to today, there were very few massage styles. In the last few decades many styles of massage, bodywork, physical therapy, yoga and energy healing were developed.

Great talent in one area of life does not transform one into a saint. It is possible to produce the most exquisite music and have a totally erratic personality. Ask Mozart. It is possible to be an inspiration to the world and have a totally messed up personal life. Ask Marilyn Monroe and many other famous personalities. And it is possible to be a great Thai massage teacher and healer and be addicted to nicotine.

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