Massage Salon
Your competitors are the institutions rendering similar services. As a rule, it is the state medical institutions, for example, polyclinics. However, they do only medical massage. You offer more a wide range of services. It is necessary to pay special attention on the massage salons rendering similar services on a commercial basis.

Nowadays a vacuum massage became a very popular cellulite treatment method. The medical effect of this massage is realized by means of vacuum that causes the local rush of blood and lymph to skin from deep lying tissues. It smooths hypodermic fat layer, skin becomes more elastic, cellulite - invisible. Vacuum massage can be performed in a massage salon or at home. In a massage salon it is performed by using professional devices (for ex. Velasmooth), at home - by using small silicone massager called rubber glass. If you like to save money, you should try to do it at home. The massage technique is simple - you have to massage each area at least for 5-6 minutes by using three basic movements - straight-line, circular and zigzag.

Massage Salon
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